Looking for short term visa for South Africa, then you must need to read this blog. We cover all the categories in which you can get short term visa for South Africa. The categories in which you apply for short term visa:

Visitor or tourist Visa South Africa


If you want to explore South Africa in your upcoming holidays, then you can apply in the category of tourist or visitor visa. The duration of this visa is no longer than 90 days.



South Africa business visa


You have to response of Africa to get some business contract or alliance, then you can apply short term visa in business category and duration is same, no longer than 90 days.






Spouse visa 

 Want to join your partner in South Africa or want to meet him or her as he or her working in South Africa, then you can apply short term visa in spouse category. To get this reason you need to show your relationship proof and the duration of the short term visa is also less than 90 days or 90 days.

Children join to parents 

 Is your children away from you and you are working South Africa, then you can apply children visit visa for your kids. The duration of this short term visa is also 90 days. Your kids can easily get this visa, the only one thing require the approval of both parent.

Fiancé visitor visa

Want to meet your fiancé in South Africa, then you can apply for short term visa South Africa in fiancé category. The procedure of the same and the duration is also same.

Short term study purposes

Want to do some short term courses to escalate your career in speed, then you can apply for short term study visa South Africa. You need to follow stand up procedure of short term visa and the duration of visa is 90 days.  

Meeting or conference purposes

Some important conference and meeting you have to attend in South Africa and your stay will be 10 or 15 days for less than 10 or 15 days, then you can apply in the category of short term meeting or conferences visa South Africa. In this category the South Africa up to 90 days.  

Medical purposes


If you are facing some critical medical condition and the best medical facilities for your disease is available in South Africa, then you can apply South Africa visa in medical category.



Event purposes

Want to join some important event in South Africa, then you can apply visa for South Africa a short term category. To get this kind of visa, you need to show a proper invitation from a registered company of South Africa and on the basis of invitation the South African government gives short term event visa.

Duration of short term visa South Africa

Short term visa duration for South Africa can't be more than 90 days. If short term vision government can't allow you to stay more than 90 days in South Africa. If you want to apply short term visa, then you need to give a proper reason and proof of return to get the short term visa.

How much time to take short term visa

The normal procedure to get South Africa visa is between 5 days to 3 weeks. But in the case of short visa, you can easily get visa within 5 days but in some specific conditions it will take little bit time. So you need to do proper planning of timing before applying short term visa for South Africa.
